What does this mean? Campaign Daily budgets are sometimes too high or too low.
Why is this important? Daily Budgets set too low might be hindering delivery. Daily Budgets set too high are ineffective for increased delivery in performance campaigns.
How can you do this? Check your Daily Budget math by ensuring [(Daily Budget x Days Remaining in Campaign) + Spend To Date] adds up to at least the full IO budget, ensuring full delivery. If Daily Budgets are depleted early in the day - increase them. For campaigns with daily budgets that are never reached, bring it down to an amount that it achieves regularly to send better prediction modeling signals. Scale daily budgets up when delivery meets the daily goals.
[TIP#2]Encourage your client to let the campaign “breathe.” Optimizingless is more.
What does this mean? Be conservative with editing campaigns once live.
Why is this important? Our system needs a calibration period of 2-3 days to form strong prediction signals.
How do you do this? Only edit campaigns every 2-3 days. Editing campaigns multiple times within a 24hr period interrupts the calibration process in the system and decreases chances to deliver.